為什麼聽不懂CNN?Chinese style I enjoy watching movie. 我喜歡看電影。 American style I enjoy seeing movies. 看電視是watch TV, 看電影卻是用see。movies是統稱,就像"今晚要去看電影"也是用"I'm going to the movies tonight." no. 23: 為什麼聽不懂CNN? 每次聽CNN都覺得似懂非懂?你的問題可能是:一、 專業領域Vocabulary不足: 政治、交通、運動.... 隔行如隔山;二、 專有名詞太不熟:印度一個小鎮、秘魯財長的名字.....來不及想什麼跟什麼就過去了,這兩點問題參加聽、說、讀、寫就一勞永逸。三、新聞 慣用字不熟,這點讓Scenario 20幫你 · "We've got some breaking news for you tonight." (最新發展) · "This just in, a new candidate is running run for the mayor." (最新消息;插撥一則新聞) · "And here is the in-depth coverage for our top story." (深度報導) · "later on, the exclusive interview with the international action star Jacky Chen, only on channel abc." (獨家訪問) · "Our sources tell us that the amount of related people might be above 10." (消息來源指出....) · "Stay tuned for our report about the ongoing crime investigation." (不要轉台,也可用keep watching) · "This is Joey, reporting live in Taipei ." (現場報導,也可說reporting live at the scene.) "Now, back to you, Marie." (還給主播)同意和支持: 1. I'm with you (on that.)(這點)我同意你。 2. I'm behind you.我支持你。I'm behind that. 我支持這ㄧ點。 3. I'll support you. I'll support that. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Mar 25 Sun 2012 21:50