We are prepared 英文常用被動語氣來表達與中文不同Chinese style We have prepared to present this project on Monday. American style We are prepared to present this project on Monday. 真人發音! 準備好了"用被動,We are prepared,和"去準備一件事"不一樣。"Be prepared"是鼓勵人的銘言,意思是隨時做好準備。 語言能力不足而被牽著鼻子走,讓會議不離題的方法是,把下面這些句型用到滾瓜爛熟。A. 切回要點 除了"We should focus on...."、"Let's get back to....",這些說法也能導回主題   1. Let's stick to the figures. 2. I think we should return to the main issue. 3. I'm sorry, but we're getting off-track. 4. Wait--that's off-topic. 5. What you are trying to express is quite interesting, but that's a separate issue. B. 說明要點 你可能用let me explain...., for example...., 其實這些用法更能表達出你的意思。 1. Let's take a closer look at the legal issues. 2. The results of this season will not be satisfying. Expanding on that, our sales dropped in both October and November. 3. We must cut costs. To elaborate, costs have risen by 15 percent the past 3 months. 4. There are several reasons we need a new office. To go into detail, our current office is too hard to be found and there is no parking lots around.     Mini- Scenario 暫緩非重點的討論 1. Let's skip that for now, we can arrange some other time to discuss it after the meeting. 2. I'm sorry, but that's a discussion for another time. (那以後再討論。比較不那麼客氣的說法) 3. That's a good idea. Can we come back to that later on? (我們回過頭來再談好嗎?) .
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